Install Redis Server and PHP Extension for Windows 11

profile picture of ghostzero
Software Developer
Published at October 5, 2021

Install Redis Server for Windows 11

First, download the windows executable for the specific release you want to use. As I wrote this, the latest version was Redis 5.0.10 for Windows 11.

After download you need to run the executable file. Follow the instructions of the installer, you may also be able to limit the memory which redis server will use.

After the installation your done with installing the redis server.

Install Redis Extension for PHP

This is an optional step. If you're using PHP as your language for developing things you also want to install the Redis PHP Extension to be able to use Redis in your application stack, like Laravel.

First, to find out if your PHP installation is thread safe (TS) or non-thread safe (NTS), run:

C:\Users\Ghost> php -i|findstr "Thread"
Thread Safety => enabled
Thread API => Windows Threads

Second, download the right extension from the official php repository:

In my case, i used 5.3.4/ The -ts stands for thread safe (-nts is non-thread safe), and -x64 was my 64 bit computer architecture.

Third, enable the redis extension in your php.ini by adding the following line:


In my case, the php.ini was located in C:\xampp\php.

And that's it!

Thanks for reading :)

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